Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy Busy Fall...

Well we have been extremely busy this fall...with ISU football games and then we are finishing our basement...

The basement was a struggle at first...picking things out can be really tough, I constantly second guess I just let Mom and Colby pick out most of it...but it has turned out REALLY we just have to put the final touches on it and I will post pictures as soon as we are done!!!  Hopefully next week sometime!!!

ISU football has been up and down...but Mom and Dad were honored last weekend for given a donation for a wall that includes all of the All-American's from was a really fun day and neat to see their names up in lights!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Addition

We have a new addition to the "family" our new puppy Hugh!!! aka Hughbert....he is a mix between a Shih tzu and a Brussels Griffon...people say he looks like a monkey, but I think he looks like a normal puppy...

He is really a pretty good puppy...not totally trustworthy, but potty training is coming along...hopefully in a couple of months he will have it down!!!

This is Hugh on the bar at the Ozarks with a mohawk!!!  Adopting a puppy...I think I get an A for Adulthood lately!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

If it's not one's another...

So it's been a while...and I still haven't post Fun Day's pics (I forgot my camera all weekend...oops!)  and pictures of Hugh (the new puppy)...which people on facebook have been hounding me I will get some of those up this weekend...hopefully...
But anyway, my latest disaster is the washing machine broke a hose and water was all over the doesn't help that I just bought a new dishwasher last weekend because it almost started the house on fire because the control panel wires were fried!!! Awww I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong...but Jeff Lamb, a good friend of my mom's, is coming to look at the washer today and hopefully he can fix it and I won't have to buy a new one!  I need to buy decor for the house...not appliances!!  But these are very adult things to buy and hold off on the others so I suppose I get an A- for adulthood this week...points deducted for throwing a fit when it happened...

Friday, July 9, 2010

First Post EVER!

What to say, what to say, what to say...getting started with this whole blog thing is kind of tough! 

I guess I should say something about myself...I grew up in a small town called Baxter, IA (which I truly love) and then I went off to college in Ames, IA to Iowa State University.  I spent SIX years in Ames (and no I am not a doctor) I have two degrees, one in Fashion Merchandising (not currently using that major) and the second in Journalism and Public Relations. 

I had an absolutely horrible internship with a small public relations firm (I wasn't paid) and then after I graduated I land my current job which I completely love!  I work with social media outlets, newspaper ads and a television show!  It really is great!

Recently, I bought a house at the Harvester Golf Course near my hometown (Baxter) and it is a work in progress because now I am strapped for cash and broke.  So I have aways to go before I have all the furniture I need for it!  Colby, my boyfriend, lives with me and we have been together for almost 4 years.  He is wonderful and I don't know what I would do without him.  We just added another member to our nontraditional little family, he is a puppy Shiffon named Hugh.  We already had a Maltzy named Gracie but she need a brother so we got Hugh!

I am extremely excited for this upcoming weekend which is Baxter Fun Days.  It may not seem exciting to anyone but the townies but it will be a blast and I will be updating with the weekends events and photos!

It seems like my life right now is my best attempt at being an adult. Buying a house (very adult like) - washing paper towels with regular towels when we moved in (not so much). I have a lot of failed attempts and also a lot of successes. And this weekend I am going to try to be a successful adult and I know Saturday night at the Street Dance I will fail miserably!